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Bob Meyer

Beyond The Limits Of Cash or Credit

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When Pursuing New Accounts Use The Greatest Closing There Is

A large Southern California printing company used this strategy when they entered into the intense bidding for a large job with the prestigious Walt Disney Company. In the end the printer was successful in landing the job. They believe they cracked this valuable new account by thinking differently, when they told Disney, �You don�t have to pay us in all cash.�

In short, they struck a deal with the Walt Disney Company wherein they agreed to take 25% of the payment in Disney�s products � baseball tickets and hockey tickets. (At the time Walt Disney Company owned the Anaheim Angels baseball team and the Anaheim Mighty Ducks hockey team.)

By putting on their barter cap the printer obtained great seats, which were terrific gifts for their numerous employees as well as special vendors and clients. Some of the tickets were moved into their local trade exchange for credit to their account.

And Disney certainly benefited by saving on cash outlay. Plus they filled empty seats, which added to the atmosphere at the games as well as profits ... fans would be paying cash for parking, souvenirs, food and beverages. Since then, Disney has begun demanding reciprocity from all of their vendors according to the printer.

You too can get your foot in the door by following the same creative strategy when calling on new accounts. Use the greatest closing there is by accepting whatever products or services they sell. Then take that trade payment and use it in your operation, or move it into your trade exchange for credit if it�s not useful to you.

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