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Wal-Mart�s Barter Deal With Green Dot Worth $86 Million

When you�ve got it, use it! That�s the bottomline message in the Wal-Mart and Green Dot business arrangement. A few years ago, when Green Dot was trying to get established, they worked out an agreement with giant distributor Wal-Mart, naming Green Dot the exclusive provider of the reloadable prepaid debit-card sold at Wal-Mart since its MoneyCard program was initiated in 2007.

In exchange for the exclusive business agreement, Green Dot granted Wal-Mart 2,208,552 shares of it�s stock (5.5% of the outstanding shares) which recently went public July 22. Green Dot (NYSE:GDOT) closed at $43 making the valuation of Wal-Mart�s shares worth around $86 million.

Green Dot retains a right to repurchase (less 37,000 shares per month) if the commercial agreement between the two is terminated ... or until May 2015, when no shares will be left to repurchase.

In Green Dot�s most recent quarter, sales at Wal-Mart represented 63% of Green Dot�s� total operating revenue.

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