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Steps Leading To Successful Reciprocal Purchases

When vendors call on your company intent on making a sale � to acquire you as a new client � you have the perfect opportunity to form a trading relationship, wherein you will use your products or services as a form of payment.

To maximize your efforts toward this end, here are the suggested steps to follow:

         Tell them how you will buy from them, and the resulting advantages. Plus, explain that by doing business with you in this reciprocal purchasing manner, they will gain a long-standing customer.

         Ask, specifically, for what you want or expect from them. And reinforce that the method of payment will be in the form of goods or services, not in cash.

         Restate the benefits of what you are proposing, and then take the first step to close the arrangement.

         Continue to practice and refine your presentation. As you improve, you�ll be amazed at how often people will give you exactly what you ask for.

         Don�t give up after one, or even a few, attempts...realize that success is assured by persevering. (As hockey star Wayne Gretzky says, �You miss 100% of the shots you never take!� Take your shots, ask every vendor to participate with you in the barter arena. However, in many cases there won�t be a �double coincidence of wants,� in that they simply can�t use your product or service even though you want theirs.)

         Don�t panic when this situation occurs. Instead, tell them you still want them to be your most valuable vendor and show them how they can do so, by introducing them to your trade exchange counselor. Vendors can then get what they want (through the exchange), and you�re able to buy from them on trade. In this sales scenario you both win � which is the way business is supposed to work.

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