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Slow Growth Of Economy Provides Opportunity For Barter Industry

If the gravy days are over and economic growth will be much slower for Americans and U.S. companies, as many pundits are predicting, the commercial barter industry will have an unprecedented opportunity to prove its meddle. As the barter industry continues to grow, its expansion will aid business as well as needed employment.

Here is what�s expected for the next decade � quite a change from the go-go days of the past three decades:

Consumers will maintain reduced spending and increase savings, while companies will take on less risk (which fueled past economic booms). Bottomline...don�t look for a leveraged world in the future.

We can expect to see the government becoming much more involved in overseeing business over the next 20 years. And growth slows down when there�s more regulation.

Globally, governments will start erecting trade restrictions, resulting in de-globalization. In the U.S., we can anticipate 1% to 2% real growth in the economy instead of the 3% or 4% growth we�ve seen over the past twenty years.

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