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Bob Meyer

Beyond The Limits Of Cash or Credit

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Say It Ain�t So, Joe!

Editor�s note: The following are comments received this past week from two different 25+ year veterans in the trade exchange business. Undoubtedly, our readers (who are trade exchange owners) will have an affinity with one of the two lines of thought.

#1) Barter is not booming for us and for most. This economy is taking a toll on many businesses. They are cutting everything they can to stay alive and barter fees are one of those items. Unless they receive real cash value on business related items and not personal perks, they are cutting barter. That�s if they are still in business, as we have lost hundreds of clients in the past 2 years.

#2) Yes, businesses are closing. Yes, if members were using barter on discretionary income purchases rather than their business, these transactions are down (i.e. travel, as the member may be able to trade for Hawaii, but they can�t afford the airfare). Yes, it�s cloudy today. Yes, my computer crashed. Yes, my car broke down. Yes, the dog pooped on the carpet ... a little reality but primarily, an attitudinal change is badly needed here.

Here�s the other side of the coin:

         We offer one of the most impact-full services in the marketplace that a small business can take advantage of.

         With unemployment, new start-ups are up.

         Small businesses are getting creative and paying attention to our option.

         Our networks are more mature than in the past. Our experience will payoff in best serving the customer and knowing how to manage our business.

         Technology has provided us with better information management and communication.

The glass is half full ... and I fully intend on continuing to fill it.

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