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NATE Holding 26th Annual Convention This Week

The National Association of Trade Exchanges (NATE) has scheduled its 26th annual convention at the Astor Crowne Hotel in New Orleans where nearly 30 trade exchanges are expected to attend, on June 3-5.

The convention, hosted by Crescent City Trade Exchange, consists of seminars for trade exchange owners and brokers as well as sales representatives. Topics of discussion will include, but are not limited to the following: brokering in today�s economy, how to expand your business through marketing and PR, referrals, and facilitating successful trade fairs.

Along with the seminars and discussion panels, convention attendees have plenty of action to look forward to this year. Many social events are planned as a way for the various exchanges to interact and learn what the others have to offer in hard goods and in travel. NATE has also planned a dinner cruise on New Orleans� Creole Queen paddle-wheeler, and the annual awards ceremony will take place at Michaul�s restaurant.

For more information contact Lauren Pound at (678) 302-6772.

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