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Michael Jackson�s Impending Barter Deal With Colony Capital

Once the biggest popstar name in entertainment, Michael Jackson, is now in talks with the private-equity group Colony Capital to put together a comeback-of-sorts. If it is successful it will enable him to clean up certain debts and get some breathing room from the onerous debt (reportedly $400 million) he has piled up over the years.

Label it what you will, Colony Capital is sitting in the catbird seat holding a $23 million Note on Jackson�s Neverland Ranch, the home of his private amusement park in California. The firm also owns the Las Vegas Hilton, and is a major shareholder in Station Casinos.

Discussions on the exact performing efforts by Jackson are the real issue as he simply has not felt up to the rigors of performing after his lengthy legal ordeal in 2005.

Options in which Jackson would barter his time and talents in exchange for relief on his secured debt would include:

1)    Performing at a Colony hotel-casino for up to 180 nights a year, or

2)    Creating a show like �Love� (Cirque de Soleil�s show built around the Beatles music) using Jackson�s tunes and have him appear at 20 to 30 of the performances.

Lately the singer has been living in Nevada 60-miles west of Las Vegas, where he has been writing new songs in a home studio and having his three children home schooled.

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