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The Holiday Season Is Here ... Already!

Another year has quickly passed. During the coming holidays your use of trade dollars will be especially helpful. That�s because using your exchange�s services can be a major cash saver at this time of year.

Here are a few suggestions:

         Looking to put together a company party this year? Call your trade exchange broker ASAP.

         Then your next call may be to one of their member printers to get your holiday invitations done.

         Maybe you�ll want special banners for the office party.

         Remember to ask about available entertainment � musicians or a disk jockey that make every event a little more fun.

         Your catering needs, as well as balloons, flowers, a photographer and a limo for the VIPs you invite, are usually obtainable.

         If you are looking to provide personal gifts ask about jewelry, a week-end getaway, a bed and breakfast, or health club membership for next year.

         And don�t forget gift certificates that cover the gamut from restaurants to selected merchandise.

         What about your own special needs around this hectic time of the year? Set some time aside to get a tan, or make a trip to a beauty salon for a hair style and manicure.

         Check with your trade broker before you make a single cash purchase this holiday season, as inventories at your trade exchange are continually being increased.

It�s time to organize your spending list and incorporate barter purchases at every opportunity.

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