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Beyond The Limits Of Cash or Credit

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Financially Speaking, Barter Aids The Entrepreneur

The aware entrepreneurial business owner realizes the business world is divided into two distinct financial tiers � the �haves� and the �have not�s.� In short, large corporations with abundant assets will continue to be able to tap the conventional banking avenues and equity markets. But for the vast majority of businesses in our country, we�re on our own!

The banks don�t embrace the small-business owner like decades ago when one was given the benefit of the doubt, and the bankers often trusted their instincts to provide loans. In order to survive and prosper, nowadays, requires a certain maturity. Business owners need an expanded outlook on what their wealth really is.

It�s much more than just the cash you have in the bank. If you�re only looking at what�s in the till, you�ll always be cash-starved. Now more than ever it�s necessary to be aware of what constitutes your wealth ... it�s your resourcefulness, your ability to perform.

One of the ways to create additional wealth is to be aware of the alternative methods of financing. Working through your trade exchange expands your ability to create income and wealth. It�s a very practical and beneficial way to increase the use of your resources.

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