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Bob Meyer

Beyond The Limits Of Cash or Credit

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Fast Track To Developing Customer Loyalty

         Offer the greatest product or service...and the lowest price.

         Provide a comfortable, satisfactory experience.

         Produce results.

         Survey customers about their experience with your company, and suggestions for improvement.

         Resolve problems immediately.

         Be forthright with complete information.

         Be honest.

         Expect to work hard and spend time to build loyalty.

         Track customer retention.

         Find out why former customers defected.

         Pay attention. Being ignored is a major reason customers defect.

         Keep in touch with people who have done business with you in the past.

         Send cards to your clients. A personalized, handwritten message in a greeting card says �I care about you.�

         Involve everyone company-wide in satisfying customers.

         Incorporate your USP (unique selling proposition) by offering a percentage of your products or services on barter.

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