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China Uses Countertrade In Solar Deal With U.S. Company

China has inked an agreement with ESolar Inc. of Pasadena (CA) to build a series of solar thermal power plants in China. It�s one of the largest renewable energy plants of its kind,  with a total capacity of 2,000 megawatts.

Under terms of the deal ESolar agreed to a countertrade, i.e. they will construct their power plant receivers in China, rather than in the U.S. However ESolar will retain control of the intellectual property behind the technology�s design and operation.

ESolar relies on a sophisticated software system and imaging technology to control 176,000 small mirrors that form arrays at its standard 46-megawatt power plant. The software positions the mirrors to create a virtual parabola to focus the sun on the receiver tower.

The mirrors� dimensions � each about the size of a television screen � allow ESolar to make and install them cheaply and use less land for the power plant.

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