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Bea Lund, Former Corporate Trade Council�s PR Pro, Dies Unexpectedly

Beatrice (Bea) Lund, President/CEO of The Lund Group in New Canaan (CT), died at age 64 from unexpected complications after an injury, suddenly and thoroughly unforeseen on July 13. Her long-time partner Mike Bruneau informed BarterNews of her passing.

She was the person who implemented the successful public relations campaign specific to the corporate barter industry. It was done at the behest of the Corporate Barter Council, a not-for-profit corporation registered in the state of New York, back in 1997 by a group of corporate barter companies.

Lund worked for many New York PR companies before starting her own firm in 1989. Areas she covered were extensive and included business-to-business, consumer products, environmental issues, gardening, professional service firms, publications and books.

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