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Use Barter For Developing & Distributing Promotional Products

According to the Specialty Advertising Association International, CEOs� offices have become a haven for promotional products. More technically known as promotional marketing products, these items � clothing, alarm clocks, mugs, and the like � are emblazoned with a company�s logo or message for long-lasting visibility.

They can be a great tool to generate name recognition and can create customer goodwill, often at very little cost. In turn, they can help drive sales. Nearly 90% of the executives polled reported they had imprinted promo products in their offices from companies other than their own. Of those respondents 48% said they had six or more promotional items, and 18% said they had more than 15 such goodies in their offices.

The message for marketers: Keep sending those promo products to the bosses. Seventy-nine percent said they appreciate receiving promotional products as gifts, and 71% said they use all or some of the items on a daily basis.

What�s the most popular promotional gift? Sixty-eight percent of those replying said they have imprinted writing instruments, followed by 63% having imprinted glassware including mugs, and 61% utilized desk and business accessories such as rulers.

Last year, businesses spent $16 billion on promotional products.

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