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U.S. Advertising Spending Declines

Advertising spending in the U.S. slipped 0.3% in the first quarter of 2007 to $34.9 billion, compared with the year earlier quarter. Ad-tracking service TNS Media Intelligence notes that last year�s first quarter was boosted by Winter Olympic Games-related spending.

But even factoring out the temporary increase of that event, �the core growth rates have slowed further from last year�s lack-luster levels,� reported TNS CEO Steven Frederiks. Hardest hit were network TV (down 7.2% to $6.1 billion) and national newspapers (down 5.3% to $810 million). At the same time, internet display advertising jumped 16.7% to $2.7 billion.

TNS doesn�t track spending on some major categories of digital advertising, including search and other unconventional marketing areas, such as public relations and event marketing.

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