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Understanding People�s Actions

When it comes to people, it�s best to observe closely and keep an open mind. There are eight traits to be aware of when dealing with others. . .

People make decisions emotionally. They decide quickly, based on a feeling, need, or emotion. Therefore, intangible benefits are usually the key to persuasion.

Even for offer-driven promotions and business-to-business marketing, there is an emotional core to every decision. Always ask yourself, �What is the emotional hot button here?�

People justify decisions with reason. For example, a woman sees a dress in a catalog and instantly wants it, but she hesitates because it�s so expensive.

However, the copy provides details on the quality of the fabric, the top-stitching, and how buying the dress is an investment. This justifies her emotional impulse. The lesson? Give people reasons to help them justify a purchase.

People put off making decisions. Psychology and sales experience reveal two interesting facts: (a) the longer a decision is postponed the more likely it is that a decision will never be made; (b) the sooner you can provoke a decision the more likely it is to be in your favor.

Therefore you should simplify the decision-making process in every promotion, forcing a quick response whenever possible. Specific deadlines are particularly powerful.

People are egocentric. Not egotistic, but egocentric. That means centered on the ego or self. Anytime you ask someone to do something, you must answer that person�s unstated question, �What�s in it for me?�

On a deeper level, the question might be, �How does this give me feelings of personal worth?� We all see the world and everything in it in terms of how it relates to us personally. That�s why features must be translated into benefits.

People are unpredictable. Even those who ponder the psychology of selling can never predict with any certainly how people will act in a real-time situation. The equation is too complex.

You can formulate hypotheses about why people do what they do. You can ask people what they think and like. But in the end, the results to your tests are the only data you can trust.  So test and keep testing.

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