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Trade On Your Publicity Using These Ten Steps

Regardless of whether your business is just getting off the ground or you�ve been around a long time, when the press gives you good publicity it�s time to swing into action.

Use that article in ten powerful ways to enhance your visibleness, memorableness, and credibility.

  • Mail a copy of it along with a formal announcement about a scheduled special event or the opening of your business to clients, colleagues, friends, and relatives.

  • Use it as the basis for building a media kit for getting future publicity, or for getting booked to give speeches and stage seminars.

  • Send it along with sales letters to prospective customers.

  • Staple your business card to it and give it away at networking meetings in place of a flier or brochure, as a way of telling who you are and what you do.

  • Use a quote from it in a flier, brochure, or promotional newsletter.

  • Include it in a portfolio of testimonials and/or samples.

  • Add it to handouts you distribute at networking groups, special events, demonstrations, or presentations. 

  • Have it blown up and mount it on an easel for display at a trade show or exhibit booth to attract attention.

  • Make reference to it in your biography, and incorporate it into written proposals. For example, �Joe Smith of XYZ Company has been featured in such publications as ...�

  • Display a large copy in your office, near your front door, or where it will be visible to passers-by.

By following the above suggestions, the publicity that you obtained will have an extended life. One that�s beneficial for both you and your business.

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