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Bob Meyer

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Remembering David Wallach

By Bob Meyer

In last week�s issue we reprinted IRTA�s announcement on David Wallach�s passing. Wallach was 72 and had put forth a relentless, unwavering five-year battle against inoperable lung cancer. I remember our first conversation after he had been told the dire news that he had six months to live.

He didn�t accept the 6-month prognosis, choosing instead to immediately fly to the renowned cancer clinic, M.D. Anderson in Houston, for a second opinion and various options. Those initial months turned to years as he determinedly squeezed as much living out of them as possible. 

We often talked over the intervening years, comparing notes and suggestions, as well as reminiscing about our love of the barter business, our earlier years, our travels and experiences. (When battling cancer one tends to become introspective.)

I looked forward to our chats as Wallach was consistently upbeat, interesting and very focused on being productive in his remaining time here, even while undergoing his debilitating chemotherapy treatments. After his initial prognosis, he served almost two terms (4 years) as President of the International Reciprocal Trade Association.

He reiterated time and again that �these days are some of the happiest and fulfilling times in my life.� He was very grateful for his many friends and the great support system around him that he lovingly embraced. Wallach never took his friends or his condition for granted. And, in helping others, his life was significant.

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