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Bob Meyer

Beyond The Limits Of Cash or Credit

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Powerful, Inexpensive Way To Increase Your Customer Base

The law of reciprocity governs all commerce. Use it in conjunction with various members within your trade exchange, and exciting possibilities will occur! For example, consider what you could accomplish by working with other non-competing members by cooperatively designing and printing introductory coupons for each of your businesses. You can then begin providing each other�s coupons to your respective clients.

The benefits are many. Exposure is significantly increased, as your firm�s name and reputation will be seen by many new people. Additional cash customers will be introduced to your business, as well.

All that�s required is some effort and common sense. Consider what products and services your customers may appreciate or need. Then approach that exchange member, proposing you work together as described.

Examples of pairs that might work will together are:

� Restaurant and fun center

� Paint store and carpet retailer

� Clothing store and dry cleaners

� Accountant and attorney

� Florist and jewelry store

� Veterinarian and pet store

With a little creativity, the examples can be limitless.

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