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Original Positive-Attitude Book Highly Relevant Today!

Most of us have read Napoleon Hill�s classic book, Think and Grow Rich. But before Hill, a man by the name of Orison Swett Marden published a book in 1908 titled He Can Who Thinks He Can.

Here are some of the quotes from Marden�s book written in 1908.

      Self-reliance is the best capital in the world. Self-depreciation is a crime.

      The greatest enemies of achievement are fear, doubt, and vacillation.

      Every child should be taught to expect success.

      The man who has learned the art of seeing things, looks with his brain.

      The best-educated people are those who are always learning, always absorbing knowledge from every possible source, and at every opportunity.

      People do not realize the immense value of utilizing spare minutes.

      Be yourself.

      Your judgment is your best friend; your common sense is your great life partner.

      Do not stop dreaming.

      A test of the quality of the individual is the spirit in which he does his work.

      Some people never see any beauty anywhere. Others see it everywhere.

      Your life work is your statue.

      Some of the greatest men in history never discovered themselves until they lost everything but their pluck and grit.

      Responsibility is a great power developer.

      If one is so loosely attached to his occupation that he can be easily induced to give it up, you may be sure that he is not in the right place.

      Almost anybody can resolve to do a great thing. It is only the strong, determined character that puts the resolve into execution.

      Character is the greatest force in the world.

      No substitute has ever yet been discovered for honesty.

      Happiness is a condition of mind.

      Real happiness is so simple that most people do not recognize it.

      The world makes way for the man with an idea.

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