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Open Letter From Barter21�s Management In Response To Last Week�s Story �

Thank you so much for the mention in your Tuesday Report this week (�Barter Industry Members Astutely Leverage Annual International Congress�). In trying to plan our own conference the thought occurred to us � why reinvent the wheel? Especially when IRTA created such a darn good wheel!

Barry, Luther and I, realized that the training, interactive panels and overall sense of community being with all those barter professionals is the perfect place. Our plan is to use Thursday to have a mini-conference with all Barter21 users and those exchanges that are interested in learning more about Barter21. Then the exchanges continue to learn and grow at the rest of the IRTA conference.

Since some of the exchanges using Barter21 software are newer, this is the ideal opportunity for them to learn from the industry pros that attend. If this is the success that I know it will be, our plan is to add a day for Barter21 before all future IRTA conferences.

Thank you again,
Catherine Cohen

For more information on Barter21 click here.

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