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NATE�s Zampatti Announces Ambitious Plans

Ric Zampatti, the incoming president of the National Association of Trade Exchanges (NATE), has quickly put forth an ambitious plan of action for his first year of leadership. Intent on growing and expanding the organization, his focus will be on accomplishing this goal. To that end, he and the NATE board of directors have created a new membership plan for start-up exchange owners � an associate membership. With the new associate membership category, NATE now offers three levels of membership.

Next year Zampatti and his peers on the Board will meet with the International Reciprocal Trade Association�s (IRTA) board of directors for serious discussions on how the two trade associations can work together in a more efficient and effective manner.

For a list of the newly elected NATE board of directors, the various committees and other plans by the association, click here.  

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