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IMS Holds Annual Shareholder Meeting

International Monetary Systems (OTCBB:INLM), a worldwide leader in business-to-business barter services, reported that all issues requiring a vote at the company�s annual shareholder meeting were overwhelmingly approved by an affirmative vote of 99.7%. 

Directors Wayne Emmer, Wayne Dalin, and Donald Mardak were reelected to three-year terms and Webb & Company was ratified as auditors for the company�s 2008 financial statements. Emmer is the president of Illinois Cement Co., Dalin is a CPA and former partner in the accounting firm of Dalin, Lindseth & Co., and Mardak is the president and CEO of IMS. 

CFO Danny Weibling and other board members reviewed IMS�    financial results for the past year and outlined their vision and plans for the future. 

In addition, members from IMS� management, sales, brokering, marketing, and IT departments provided a �Team and Tools� presentation covering the progress and projections of these critical national operations. The presentation included a showcase of newly released projects including various features to the web site, the new online marketplace, and their proprietary barter commerce management clearing system: TNT, the Trade Network Tracking System. 

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