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IMS Barter Members Generate Record Numbers At Holiday Expos

In direct contrast to the cash economy, International Monetary Systems (OTCBB: INLM), a worldwide leader in business-to-business barter services, reported record attendance and sales volume at last week�s holiday barter expos held in Milwaukee (WI), Columbus (OH), and Rochester (NY). The expos are the first in a series of fourteen events held in IMS Barter marketplaces across the United States in November and December.

�We fully expected an increase in member attendance and trading, but even our own estimates were low. In the Milwaukee office alone, we reached $905,000 of sales in five hours of trading, and shoppers and vendors filled nearly 25,000 square feet of the Milwaukee Sports Complex,� declared John Strabley, executive vice president of IMS. �Using traditional barter-industry accounting, the combined total of sales and purchases was $1.8 million.�

Dale Mardak, IMS� senior vice president, added, �We believe this is a direct result of the growth of the IMS Barter membership and the shrinking of the U.S. economy. We are proud to provide a way for so many people to still enjoy buying and selling in an otherwise gloomy economic environment. More and more businesses are realizing that when cash is tight, there is another currency they can use - the currency created when they barter their goods and services through IMS Barter.�

The company projects that the remaining expo events will yield similar results.

For more information on IMS go to

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