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Bob Meyer

Beyond The Limits Of Cash or Credit

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How To Keep More Cash

The most valuable commodity in the marketplace is cash. Because it�s liquid and universally accepted, one can virtually acquire anything the market has to offer with it. The other side of the coin, however, is that we can rarely get enough of it to either accomplish all of our goals or to satisfy all our aspirations.

That�s why business owners are increasingly utilizing another form of wealth � the power of reciprocity. In the years ahead we will continue to see the growth of barter, as well as the evolvement of a tighter relationship between the buyer and vendor/supplier. It will be more reciprocal in nature, not only because it�s good business, but also competition will demand it.

In other words, when you make a purchase from someone, shouldn�t they in turn �buy� from you? If not directly, then indirectly � by having them take payment in the form of trade dollars, which they can use through your trade exchange.

Business done in this manner is �win-win� where both parties benefit, rather than that of a single party benefiting under the typical sales scenario.

Wealth: All property that has a money value or an exchangeable value. (Source: Webster�s Collegiate Dictionary.)

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