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Bob Meyer

Beyond The Limits Of Cash or Credit

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Eight Ideas To Improve Your Productivity & Effectiveness

1)    Get right to the point with the telephone caller by saying, �Hi Susan, nice to hear from you. How can I help you?�

2)    Keep conversation to a minimum � walk your colleague out to your office door, saying, �Thanks for the info, Jim. Catch you later.� Take a short turn and return to your desk.

3)    Take advantage of voice-mail by leaving a message after hours when colleagues are not apt to be there, and avoid a two-way conversation.

4)    Hand-write your reply on the bottom of a memo and pass it right back to the sender.

5)    Keep your most critical files right at hand in a vertical file on your desk, at the front of your desk-file drawer, or in a mobile file cart at �fingertip� distance.

6)    Create a daily �To Do� list out of yellow stickies placed on a clipboard. Toss away the stickie as you complete each task, ending the day with an empty clipboard.

7)    Use the 10 minutes, waiting for a meeting to start, to jot a short note or read a journal article. You�ll be surprised at how many pesky tasks you can clear away in 5 or 10 minutes!

8)    When a spontaneous meeting arises try to meet in a colleague�s office, not your own. It�s a lot easier to excuse yourself from someone else�s office, when the meeting has outlived its usefulness, than to ask them to leave your office.

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