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Credit Card Industry Changes Provide Terrific Opportunity For Barter Industry

After years of mailing out credit cards to just anybody, banks are now (rather suddenly) freezing out all but the most credit worthy customers. And those which do get credit cards now have to jump through more hoops (showing copies of earnings/income). Plus they�re being hit with higher rates and fees.

Yes, banks have always tightened credit standards in an economic slowdown, but pushing the changes this time is the recently passed Credit Card Act of 2009, that is forcing the industry to rewrite the play book it has used for years. (The new legislation aims to limit fluctuating interest rates, ban some controversial practices and arm consumers with more information on their debts.)

Bottomline: Today�s environment is a golden opportunity for the commercial barter industry � namely trade exchanges � to rapidly expand its membership base of small business owners. Historically, credit cards have often been the financing tool for small business startups and expansion efforts.

With this option now being radically altered, the small business sector must be informed and educated to the outstanding alternative financing tool � the trade dollar currency. It�s a form of capitalization every small business owner should not only be aware of, but more importantly, be using.

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