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Changes In Corporate Barter

A new service by eWorld Asset Trading will allow companies to list assets discreetly online, and then receive realistic estimates of their value in regard to media the company has historically bought. The new service is a wholly-owned subsidiary of KSL Media, one of the largest independent media agencies in the nation.

The eWorld model brings simplicity and integrity to corporate trade. A simple contract replaces the 30-page legalese documents that have become standard in the field. All facets of a prospective client�s business operation�from financial and marketing management to product sales and distribution to advertising agencies and media departments�are included in every aspect of the transaction from the beginning. And all exchange-of-asset agreements are made in concert.

Another element is the discreet source for quotes. A corporate officer simply fills out a registration form online, lists type and volume of assets to be valued, and their interest in specific media types. Within 48 hours, the eWorld team provides a realistic estimate of the asset recovery value and a preliminary list of media offerings based on the client�s historical buying pattern.

The estimate establishes a starting point for a business relationship, with eWorld facilitating trade transactions that reduce cash spending by using certain assets.

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