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Become Familiar With The Three Promotional Approaches

To reach your customers effectively, you should become familiar with the distinct promotional approaches of marketing, advertising, and public relations.

Marketing encompasses a range of tactics, such as handing out small gifts bearing your logo, maintaining a presence at trade shows or on the Internet, and providing superior customer service and product support.

Advertising, on the other hand, is simply the process of buying time or space in the print media or on the Internet, television, or radio. It lets you say whatever you wish about your product or service.

Public relations differs from advertising in that you can�t control how or when information about your company will be presented to the public. But when your product is mentioned in the news media, it is usually perceived as a third-party endorsement � provided the context of the story is positive or at least neutral.

To determine the best form of promotion for your company, you need to define your budget and goals.

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