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America�s Most Unique Entrepreneurial Cities All Have Trade Exchanges

The Kauffman Foundation recently rated America�s most unique entrepreneurial cities, using Kauffman�s index of entrepreneurial activity. For example, the 10th rated city had an EAR (entrepreneurial activity rating) of 30%. This number indicates that out of a population of 100,000, 300 businesses were launched in 2008.

Here are the listings of the top ten cities:

#10 Washington (DC), EAR = 30%

#9 Houston (TX), EAR = 34%

#8 Dallas-Forth Worth (TX), EAR = 42%

#7 San Francisco (CA), EAR = 42%

#6 New York (NY), EAR = 45%

#5 Miami (FL), EAR = 50%

#4 Los Angeles (CA), EAR = 51%

#3 Riverside (CA), EAR = 52%

#2 Phoenix (AZ), EAR = 55%

#1 Atlanta (GA), EAR = 74%

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