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Advertising Specialties & Premiums Offer 4 Key Strengths

A variety of ad specialties and premiums are normally available through your trade exchange at a nominal cost. They�re an excellent form of advertising because they offer a direct and personal touch � that extra dimension � that�s not available from any other marketing tool.

Oftentimes, they are incorrectly considered one and the same. Here is a short explanation on the difference.

Advertising specialties have these characteristics:

Useful idea for office or home, car or boat, for traveling, for fun and games, and usually of nominal value.

Brings a message, usually very specific, as part of a total marketing program. It includes the name and logo of the distributing company.

Offered with no strings attached. You receive it because of who you are,  and you don�t have to do anything to get it.

Premiums, on the other hand, have these characteristics:

� Useful, and usually of a higher quality and value.

Comes with the product or service being promoted. It offers a message, but it�s not part of the premium itself.

Comes with strings attached. Such as: buy this product within the next ten days, we�ll give you this nice gift. It is a  bonus or premium for making a purchasing decision.

  • Specialty advertising and premiums offer four key strengths:

  • They target a specific audience.

  • They are an item of lasting value.

  • They can serve as a motivational tool.

  • They communicate a specific message.

Because specialties and premiums offer both long life and multiple exposures (they hang around awhile and they get used repeatedly), they rightly fit one of the key ingredients of a successful marketing campaign. They reach the right audience and repeat the message...again and again.

An effective and useful specialty or premium reminds your best customers and most passionate prospects that you care, and want their business.

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