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International Reciprocal Trade Association Introduces New Membership Category And Brand Verification Program

Now into its 27th year of existence, IRTA�s board of directors has addressed the issue and acknowledged that there should be a way for exchange systems that are not commercial barter exchanges to become members...and thus created a non-commercial category for IRTA membership.

At the same time a new effort to protect the IRTA brand is in the works. Each member will receive a certificate for office display and also a digital �IRTA 2006 Member� logo to place on their web site. The logo will be uniquely verifiable when a computer mouse is placed over it, so it cannot be duplicated.

Executive Director Krista Vardabash explained, �An IRTA membership is something to be proud of, as it means you belong to a network of professional exchanges that keep each other accountable to doing the right thing. It should be a vital part of each barter company�s marketing efforts.�